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Being long-sighted at school

I always struggled with school work when I was younger. The words just seem to swim in front of my eyes, and I found it hard to concentrate on the page. It wasn't until much later that I realised that I was long-sighted. As soon as I got prescription glasses, I suddenly found it much easier to read and actually started to enjoy reading for relaxation. I wish I'd gotten glasses so much earlier. This blog is all about getting glasses for long-sighted kids and has some tips on knowing when a kid should be taken to the optometrist for an eye test.

Being long-sighted at school

4 Things You May Not Know About Orthokeratology

by Eduardo Ortiz

Orthokeratology is a non-surgical, prescription-free type of vision correction with lenses that reshape the curvature of your cornea. This procedure includes fitting special, gas-permeable contact lenses that gradually reshape the surface of your eye overnight. In turn, this allows you to see clearly during the day without the need for other contact lenses or glasses. For many who use glasses or disposable contacts on a daily basis, orthokeratology can be a dream come true, but it's still not widely known. Read on to learn four things you may not have realised about orthokeratology, also known as ortho-k.

1. Orthokeratology is not a recent innovation

While ortho-k comes as a completely new eye treatment innovation to most patients, it's actually been around for longer than you might think. Orthokeratology goes back as far as the 1940s, when optometrists began realising that glass contact lenses could actually reshape the surface of the eyes. Many new findings were also discovered in the 60s and 80s, all of which led to orthokeratology becoming more and more known from the 90s onwards. Of course, only through technological advancements of the past decade has ortho-k been able to deliver the results it can now.

2. The effect can last for more than a day

Technically, ortho-k lenses can be worn during the day, but the way they reshape your cornea makes them less comfortable for daily use than other types of contact lenses. As such, orthokeratology is often known as overnight orthokeratology because the lenses are worn while you're asleep. The effect of ortho-k lenses is temporary, especially when you first begin treatment, which is why you'll be advised to wear your lenses every single night. However, as time goes by, the lenses' effect can actually last up to two full days. As such, under the guidance of your optometrist or eye doctor, you may be able to reduce wear to once every two days later on in your treatment. 

3. Kids are great candidates for ortho-k

Since reshaping your cornea may sound daunting, many people make the mistake of thinking ortho-k is only for adults. However, adults have more permanent treatment options available, like laser eye surgery, which many find more convenient than wearing orthokeratology lenses. Children and teenagers, on the other hand, may not yet be old enough for laser eye surgery. As such, this makes them great candidates for orthokeratology treatment. Ortho-k lenses are particularly useful for young people who don't want to wear glasses and contacts, such as those who like playing sports. 

4. It's more affordable than you might think

Ortho-k is a procedure almost anyone can choose to undergo, but it's not considered essential despite its benefits. As such, many insurance companies don't cover the cost of orthokeratology. However, this shouldn't put you off. Ortho-k is actually more affordable than you might think. In fact, since orthokeratology lenses last several years, they actually work out cheaper than daily lenses in the long run for many people. On top of that, a pair of ortho-k lenses is also a lot cheaper than a laser eye surgery procedure.
