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Being long-sighted at school

I always struggled with school work when I was younger. The words just seem to swim in front of my eyes, and I found it hard to concentrate on the page. It wasn't until much later that I realised that I was long-sighted. As soon as I got prescription glasses, I suddenly found it much easier to read and actually started to enjoy reading for relaxation. I wish I'd gotten glasses so much earlier. This blog is all about getting glasses for long-sighted kids and has some tips on knowing when a kid should be taken to the optometrist for an eye test.

Being long-sighted at school

Eye Health: 4 Causes Of Light Sensitivity

by Eduardo Ortiz

Light sensitivity typically leaves your eyes feeling sore and strained, but there are other associated symptoms. Headache, nausea, dizziness and a stiff neck are often experienced alongside eye symptoms. If you're experiencing sensitivity to natural or artificial light and aren't sure of the cause, here's an overview of four potential causes for you to consider:

Corneal Abrasion

The clear outer layer of your eye is called the cornea, and its job is to focus light as it enters your eye and travels to the retina in the back of your eye, where it's processed and transported to your brain. If the cornea gets scratched it will be unable to function optimally, and this can make light can seem too strong for your eye. In addition to light sensitivity, corneal abrasion can cause your eyes to water and opening or closing your eyes may be painful.


Inflammation of the uvea, known as uveitis, reduces the blood supply to the retina. This can affect how the retina receives images, so those with uveitis often experience blurred vision, floaters and flashes. Uveitis is a progressive condition that can cause cataracts to form or lead to retinal detachment, if left untreated.

Type 2 Diabetes

The protein structure of your lens can be damaged when your blood sugar levels are too high. This can cause swelling that will only reduce when your blood sugar levels are stable. This damage to your lens can make light feel too powerful for your eyes, and you may react by squinting. Other signs of type 2 diabetes include colours appearing muted and reduced night vision.

Overactive Thyroid

An overactive thyroid occurs when the thyroid gland is attacked by abnormal antibodies that are triggered by the immune system. Once active, these antibodies can also target eye tissue, and this typically leads to inflammation and a build-up of pressure in the eye. Swelling forces the eye forward, and this change of positioning can cause a reduction in eye movement, which leads to light sensitivity. An overactive thyroid can also cause watery eyes and blurred vision.

When you're experiencing light sensitivity, the first step is to book an eye exam with your optometrist. They will examine your eyes with a slit lamp, which allows them to see magnified images of every part of your eye. An eye test can uncover underlying health issues, and an optometrist will refer you to an ophthalmologist for further investigations, if required.
